Friday, March 11, 2011


this loneliness
sometimes like peace
sometimes at war
lonely as the moon
and as the sun
all alone in the sky
in the light
and in the darkness
like a hollow trunk
nothing in mind
and in heart
no words, no emotions
no one to listen
no one to speak
empty all over
this emptiness
like abandoned shell
only cavity
no life, no love
abandoned in the desert
or in the island
of nothingness
not the end
nor the beginning
nowhere to go
nothing to explore
but nothing known
no hope, no light
only darkness inside...........

a ray of hope
across the end
near than infinity
its almost there
the light
the peace
something to fill
this emptiness
the color, the smell
the feel, the sound
a slight warmth
a sudden joy
some pain, some cry
a lot like life
like flowers to
cover arid garden
like rain to
sprinkle dry land
like love to
heal broken heart.............

again the cloud
like pitch black
coming from nowhere
to almost everywhere
again the fading of
all the light
dimming of
all the voice
tears all gone
pain vanished
no feel, no smell
all vaccum again
all hollow again
the clouds
of loneliness
of emptiness
covering all over
no life
flowers withered
rain dried
love lost
heart broken