Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One Day Something

Waking up in the morning is tiresome, especially if its January and you have to go to lab classes at 8. Somehow as the vibration of the alarm set in mobile create panic in morning dream, you just cannot believe that the 6 hour sleep has just been over. "...hey man, how did the time move so fast...I was just asleep......" it is 7:30 in the watch. Opening the door of the room and letting the chill of the environment to enter the room warns about frozen hands and feet and shivering body while hurrying on the bicycle to reach lab classes. "..oh god, again the same shit of white Timberland jacket I have to wear, what a crap.." thinking about wearing the same jacket for whole winter gives a "what do people say" kind of impression. Thinking about the morning lab, especially DSP, makes getting ready more complex. "...bullshit piece of lab, we are no jobless people.." . The morning goes more horrifying after seeing a long queue in the dining hall for breakfast. "..wtf..not again...." as it is already 5 past 8 in the watch, there is no more time to wait for the food....alas, empty stomach again.

The DSP lab is a menace. with more than 60% of the PCs not working, we are said to bring our laptops for some bullshit programs to do in MATLAB. But most of the time pass away yawning and looking at watch to strike 11. At 10, enters the prof, throwing a killer glance at us. "..here comes the idiot..." I have bitter experiences with him. After taking the attendance , he says about our job to perform in the lab "...you should get the real feeling of this after doing this program...." as if we are supposed to fall in love with the signals. Then there he leaves after 10 minutes "...good riddance...". Lab over...

Walking the way towards the main building to attend the elective class reduces some laziness out of the body. Learning Indian Society and Development sounds very boring "....caste system my foot..its modern world dude..." but the way of delivering the lecture of the professor in unusual accent and weird pronunciation produces gags in the class, and that is what makes it interesting in a way "....finally caste system is over today...lol...".

One hour of lunch time...back to hostel with still empty stomach and directly to dining hall "....damn hungry man...." but looking at the lunch suddenly fills the stomach. Just a heap of carbs and fats and nothing else. But still few spoon of the shit-food goes inside the mouth "....the big bellied fatty deserves a beating..asshole...." murmuring some words to self about the cook gives some comfort to heart. For sake of stomach, the tongue gets punishment everyday.

After the morning spoilers, here start the theory classes which can spoil the whole day. "....three hours of another menace...." it is too boring ...too boring to be mentioned here.. so directly classes over..."...hey! that sounds good..perhaps these times can be skipped everyday like this..."
Returning back to hostel again makes you feel better, as if you have returned from the batteling field. "...ohh what a day it was..." Then starts the usual hostel life, starting with switching the laptop on, checking whether the internet is there or not and checking emails. If net is there, then the evening as well as night is fixed in front of lappy. If not, then visit backpost at mausa's chai shop for tea and other stuffs (not to mention). "....backpost is a heaven..." .

Going back to the room "...my paradise..." and sometimes friend's room "...chee..what a mess..."accounts for the remaining evening . The night is fully devoted to lappy and the world of internet and movies. "....dc++ zindabad....". Not to forget the same heap of carbs and fats in the name of dinner again..."...yuck!!...".
After doing enough (really enough) of lappy work, "...it's really tiresome now...omg its already 2...." time to sleep. The eventful body of the day finally goes to some peace for some hours again to prepare itself for another day...."....please god..cancel the lab tomorrow....power failure...please...power failure...powe...pow....zzzzzz...."


Renegade Monk said...

u shud send ur writing stuffs to newspaper ,seriously man its really gud

Ashish S said...

what a start! dude
reading this post is a million times interesting than following that tiresome daily routine

Snurav said...

haha ha haha ha hahaha , nice